Friday, August 7, 2009

Diet Hits the Road

After my standard 220 calories granola, coffee and half and half, with two 18 year old daughters finally in tow, the diet took a quick road trip to Blythevegas for a birthday lunch with 82 year old Ukulele Frank. The girls made sure that we listened to country music on the drive. They have discovered the Al Green of country music, Willie Nelson. Upon arrival Frank rendered his own uked up version of Fat Man in the Bathtub

Percy made guacamole. Looked great but I can not say how it tasted. I did eat a piece of salmon and a salad with some great iced tea. Unsweetened of course. I'll call that meal 500 calories

I had nothing to do with this pasta dish:

Ukulele Frank transformed into just plain Frank of Frank, Ben and Jerry's fame. He had homemade ice cream to serve. Buttermilk sugar and orange zest. I had one spoonful and it was great: 50c

Frank's grand kids had other ideas for dessert. They made brownies.

I had a spoonful again: 100c

After an afternoon of laughs, the girls and I headed home and Cloody and Frank headed off to an 'all you can eat' seafood restaurant. No lie it is called Big Butts

Frank, Clara, Frank and Clara

I was home for dinner:

1/2 chicken breast
green beansjavascript:void(0)
red wine (It is Friday)

600 calories

Total for the day: 1470

No time to swim today.

Does anyone know the calorie count on squirrel?

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